Music Videos


Anonymous's picture

It is a great idea to incorporate songs. They show how language is used for representative functions.

Annie's picture

Thank you so much for sharing that!

Marcia A. Hetlinger's picture

I am trying to find ways to inspire my Granddaughter who is part Chinese to get serious about her Chinese language, and I love the idea of using music.  When I was studying in Taiwan we bought lots of music tapes to sing along with and it really does help you to remember not only the words, but the characters as well.  However, most of my music was lost in transit and though my son lives in China I have not had much success in getting him to send me music.  Thank you so much for posting this.  The song is quite easy for a beginner as far as vocabulary goes, but it will take my granddaughter some time to get those characters down so that she can manage them quickly.