Recommended Reading Materials
The Huanying series has built-in reading activities for students. However, if teachers would like to help students build stronger reading skills in Chinese, or if teachers plan to offer an after-school reading program, here are some suggestions for additional reading materials:
1. 刘月华,褚成志等编:《中国风》汉语分级读物,北京大学出版社,2007年
Liu, Yuehua, Chengzhi Chu, et. el.: Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series, Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2007
This series is designed based on the "1+1" teaching principle. The first three volumes can be used with novice level students. Order information: www.cheng-tsui.com.
1) 《我一定要找到她......》 I Really Want to Find Her......
2) 《错, 错, 错!》 Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!
3) 《两个想上天的孩子》 Two Children Seeking the Joy Bridge
2. 黄伟佳,敖群:《中国文化读物系列》,波士顿:Cheng & Tsui Company, 2007年.
Huang, Weijia, and Qun Ao: Readings in Chinese Cultures Series, Boston: Cheng & Tsui Company, 2007.
The reading materials developed in this series are witty in language and rich in culture. They make excellent reading materials particularly to the heritage speakers, or second to third year non-heritage speakers. Order information: www.cheng-tsui.com.
1) 《太阳的远近》How Far Away Is the Sun? and Other Essays
2) 《月亮总是美好的》The Moon Is Always Beautiful and Other Essays
3. 乔亚梦主编:《小学生快乐阅读起步》,首都师范大学出版社,2006年
Qiao, Yameng: Fun in Reading for Elementary Students, Beijing: Capital Normal University Press, 2006.
This book includes poetry, proverbs, and children's stories written in simple language. It makes a good reading for heritage speakers and students who have completed the first year Chinese.
4. 乔亚梦主编:《小学生注音看图作文》,首都师范大学出版社,2006年
Qiao, Yameng: Picture Descriptions for Elementary Students, Beijing: Capital Normal University Press, 2006.
This book can be used both for reading and writing programs. It includes picture clues for picture descriptions. Following each set of pictures is a sample writing, which can help strengthen students' reading and writing skills.
5. http://www.faculty.virginia.edu/cll/chinese_reading/
弗吉尼亚大学中文阅读天地 University of Virginia, Chinese Reading World
6. http://www.uiowa.edu/~chnsrdng/index.html
爱荷华大学中文阅读天地 University of Iowa Chinese Program, Chinese Reading World
此网页提供每日一句成语俗语。有简繁两体。This website has daily idioms and aphorism in both simplified and traditional characters.