Not acceptable publication.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/14/2008 - 10:05am
Integrated Chinese textbook level 1 part 1. (1997 edition - 2003 printing)
The errors in this book are too numerous to be classed as a trustworthy language-learning tool. Would definitely NOT recommend it. I know there is a newer version of this publication available. Can anyone vouch for it being error-free?
Thanks for sharing your opinion. You are right that the first edition of Integrated Chinese (which came out in 1997) did unfortunately include typos and errors, and we took care to correct these, as well as making additional improvements, in the second edition/revised second edition that became available in 2005. We do find that the majority of teachers and students now prefer to use the second edition, and if you're a teacher we would be happy to send you an exam copy so that you can see all the changes that were made and decide for yourself whether the newer books would suit your needs better. Just give us a call at 1-800-554-1963 if you would like to check out the updated edition. You can also download free preview PDFs from the Integrated Chinese product page.
We are also currently working on a third edition, coming out this summer, that will make even more improvements and updates to the existing series. For more information, please see our Integrated Chinese product page.
Thanks for your feedback and we hope you will check out the newer editions,
Cheng & Tsui Editorial Department