would like a tool to help sort characters

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/08/2007 - 1:55am
I am trying to create my own sortable chinese character flash cards to help me practice. I also want to be able to group similar characters (like ones with the same radicals, etc.) since I think it will help to memorize them. And it would be great if it followed along the Integrated Chinese lessons. I am thinking that this tool would be some sort of word document or Excel spreadsheet. Does anyone know of such a tool or website?
Have you thought about the Chinese BuilderCards? These complement Integrated Chinese very well (each card has the matching chapter from the IC text written on it). You could easily sort the cards to your liking.
Thanks Eve.
I think these will work just fine!!
I have created a spreadsheet list of all the characters in Level 1 Part 1 so that I can sort them by common initial characters. This helps me see patterns. If you would like me to send it to you, please indicate your email address in a reply. Also see my forum comment about Number of Characters in Level 1 Part 1 course materials.
Bernard Gillette, NJ
Hey Bernard,
Would it be possible to send it my way also? I'm starting Chinese, and I would like to have as much help as possible. Thank you for your time.
Dear Bernard,
Could you please also send me a copy of your spreadsheet?
I'm a new teaching using IC for the first time. It would be really helpful if I can have more suggestions about teaching IC.
Thank You!
Sorry, my e-mail is kuanling.lin.09@gmail.com
Could you please send me a copy of the spreadsheet? I could not wait to see how it would work on my lessons.
Thanks in adavnce!
Hi Bernard,
I am a new teacher and would you please send me the characters list? Also, very preciated if you can send me more information about teaching IC tools. Here is my email address: mona_y_ding@yahoo.com. Thanks.
Mona Ding
Mona Ding