Li Bai and Du Fu poems

Anonymous's picture


Does the content of the Li Bai  Du Fu CD come with a printing of the poems in the following languages :

- Chinese characters only ?

- Chinese characters + pinyin ? 

- Chinese characters + pinyin + western language ( english or french) ? 

Thank you for replying. 

 Best regards


Laurel's picture

Thanks for your inquiry. The Li Bai & Du Fu CD includes audio recordings in Chinese only. Purchase of the audio does not include a printed text of the poem. However, the Li Bai & Du Fu book includes:

  • the poems in (classical) Chinese, with pinyin and English glosses of vocabulary words
  • explanatory essays in modern Chinese
  • unit introductions in modern Chinese, with English translations of these introductory essays available in an appendix
  • additional exercises for further exploration of this literature.

I hope you find this information helpful!


Editorial Department