This is the character page we created and most enjoyed by people all over the world:
Please feel free to use it.
One of the great nights of studying Chinese was when I went on to to check out their selections of videos to immerse myself into the chinese language. I came across music videos, and having come very close to completing Integrated Chinese Level One, Part One I could understand a couple of songs. Here is my favorite one that gave me a real boost of confidence:
You can sing right along with it after listening to it one to two times. There are subtitiles in traditional characters. There are a lot of other songs you'll find too! Have fun!!!
Yongan Wu at the University of North Florida has developed a suite of vocabulary study tools correlated to Integrated Chinese. To try out this program, please download the attachment.
After you have downloaded the attachment:
To install, please click "ChineseVocab.jar" if you are using a Mac.
Please click "Chinese Vocab - Windows.exe" if you are using Windows.
This is a work in progress, and the creator is actively looking for beta testers who will try out these tools and provide feedback for improvement! Please send your feedback and suggestions to Enjoy!