Illustrations and photographs from Cheng & Tsui’s popular Integrated Chinese series are now available for free download on Peersource!
Perfect for teaching vocabulary and grammar structures, the images in this online gallery are arranged by level and lesson. Teachers can also search by keyword in English and Pinyin, as well as Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters. Each image is a single jpg or gif file, so teachers can easily select and arrange the order of images to create vocabulary review quizzes, games, and paired speaking activities via presentations on a computer projector or overhead projector. Teachers can also use these color images to enhance their own worksheets, tests, and quizzes for Integrated Chinese, or print them and create flashcards. These images come straight from the third edition Integrated Chinese textbooks, but can be used in conjunction with any Chinese language class.
Images are organized by chapters and are coded with keywords in English and Chinese to make it easy to search. You can add your own tags to help you search and sort them.
This is a FREE resource, but please register or sign in to use it.
Images are © Cheng & Tsui unless otherwise indicated and intended for teachers and students who are using the Integrated Chinese books.
You may not use these images for personal or commercial use or post them on a website or in a lab environment that is not for the exclusive use of students and teachers learning and teaching Chinese.
Here's a sample of the images you can download:

Please register or sign in now to use this FREE resource.