Software Patch

Anonymous's picture

How does the vol. 1 softwareware patch add printing functions........?

After I ran the patch, could not figure out how to print.........?




Jeremiah's picture

Hi Victor,

We just opened a Software Support forum - so I moved your question here - if you need to open any more topics, this is the place. I hope we can bulid a good resource here.

The patch for Chinese Odyssey enables a feature to print the score reports at the end of each lesson.

From any of the "Exercises" menus, select "All Scores" - and there will be an button to "Print" the report.

Jeremiah Dow
Cheng & Tsui Company

Anonymous's picture


A Big thank you for your reply!

 What does the patch do regarding the fonts......???

 I know the patch "fixed font installation location" but I don't really understand what that means.


Jeremiah's picture


On the original release, font files were stored seperately for each lesson - the patch consolidates the font set, and re-installs only the necessary font files.

It also corrects an error in the path to the "Song" font - which after the patch, is the primary font used to display Chinese characters. Most people would already have that font installed, it's a standard Windows font - but if not, the patch will make sure it's accessible anyway.

Jeremiah Dow
Cheng & Tsui Company